Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Article written by ATTILA TIBOR GIBSON.
What is art ?
Why is it so valuable in culture?
Why should art never be destroyed?
Why should art never be suppressed?
As a species art and music bonds us all at the very core of our being , regardless of where we come from, what color we are, or what we believe in. No matter how much we hate or love each other.
Art is in everything but everything is not art .
Art as a verb defines the act of doing anything so well, that it scarcely can be done better , and when it is improved upon, only then is it defined as the " state of the art ".The Art of War the art of seduction ext.
Art is also defined by adding to anything beyond its functionality. Purely for the sake of aesthetics.
Art is the medium that everyone uses to display their defining qualities .
The mediums used to create the art encompasses so much more then the stereotypical mediums such as paint metal ,clay marble,even words. etc.
Everyone in my opinion is an artist. Defining themselves by what they surround themselves with. the functional things and the aesthetic things.
Art is the window to the soul at its most intimate level.
Art compares the intellect, ingenuity even the vulnerability of entire nations.
Art is more powerful then all the leaders of the world! The proof is there reactions to it. Knowledge and artwork have been intentionally destroyed throughout mans history, because of the power it has resist those who want to impose there control by removing as many things as they can that allow you or a people to define themselves!
Art is the natural evolution of this universe transcending particle physics. The art we create from our imagination literally comes from what is defined as another universe . It is a profound but accurate statement!
It is my hope that this article will inspire you to paint your dreams, draw your worlds ,write about the people and situations you see in your mind. Build and patent the machines of your dreams. Bring treasures from the other universes you have been blessed with, into ours. So that we can evolve and better ourselves as a species.
The universe has existed for 14 billion years in the state of pure functionality.
It Has finally evolved beyond just being functional . It could be argued that the universe created us purely for aesthetics.
The definition of aesthetics is a set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty, especially in art.
In my opinion the very existence of art implies that there is a greater conscience at play. I feel In its most simplistic form the universe wants to be appreciated for something beyond its basic functionality.
I as an individual And fellow artist amongst the billions of people. I too want to be appreciated for what is beyond my functionality.
I'm confident in my opinion that the rest of the world does too!
Which further bonds us as one people, one species!
SO DO YOUR ART! whatever it may be! define yourself by revealing what is deep in your being! Reveal a universe that no one else has seen, not even the one universe that brought you to being.
I encourage you to look at the world differently and appreciate it for what it is. And know with out a doubt that in the act of you doing so, it literally has become a better place.

When the world is done fighting. I hope within my lifetime. The first thing I will do is travel and appreciate everyone's art. So that I may know intimately the people who made it and appreciate them better for who they are.
By Attila Gibson 1 20 2015